GORE® VIATORR® TIPS Endoprosthesis with Controlled Expansion combines the legacy of proven patency1 with diameter control to reach a targeted portal pressure gradient

  • Control the diameter —
    • Designed to reach a targeted portal pressure gradient
  • Lasting diameter control*—
    • Size and set the diameter to stay
  • Engineered for flexibility —
    • Conformability to tortuous anatomy
  • Single device —  
    • Size to a diameter of 8 / 9 / 10 mm during implantation

* Based on benchtop data on file. Less than 0.25 mm increase in diameter (diameter expansion) demonstrated by a simulated 10 year period at physiologic portal pressures.

1Based on GORE® VIATORR® TIPS Endoprosthesis: Bureau C, Pagan JCG, Layrargues GP, et al. Patency of stents covered with polytetrafluoroethylene in patients treated by transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts: long term results of a randomized multicentre study. Liver International 2007;27(6):742-747.

GORE VIATORR TIPS Endoprosthesis